
Near Oakridge TN about a 50 minute drive from my place, on a mountain called Buffalo Mountain, they have started building windmills for generating electricity. These are the only three so far. The Project is called "Green Power Switch" and wind power is one of several ways they're trying to help out the local environment. More details here: Green Power Switch

this is the ramp to the top of Look Rock Tower on foothills parkway near where i live, if you look to the top center of the picture, where the ramp turns, this is where Ecko (from the pictures of my two dogs on here) decided to jump off. I'm assuming she didn't realize it was a drop off, because she couldnt see over the concrete walls on the ramps. It was about a 30 foot drop, and lots of tree branches on the way down. I'm assuming Ecko's ancestors were in the cat family Ecko survived the fall with only a small limp in her right front paw.